Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Possessor or Possessed?

Miss A buys clothes, & then she keeps them. She saves them for some "special" occassion, which rarely happens. Her clothes will probably last forever, along with Miss B's furniture which is all covered in clear plastic.

Now this may be fine for some, but I like to think that people should possess things. Never the reverse.

Furniture is for sitting on comfortably, not for sticking to. Carpets are to walk on, regardless the weather. Fine china & gleaming silver are wasted if they are always carefully stored away in some dark cupboard.

Beautiful, expensive clothes are meant to be worn. A lot!

Saving everything "for good" means that many of the best things are never really used.

I don't have that much, but what I do have isn't sacred, to be saved, covered, hidden, protected.

Things are to enjoy!

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