Friday, March 13, 2009


Sometimes questions pop into my head, and I don't have the answers to everything. I am only human. I cannot see the road in front of me. It's dark and You are the only one I cling to.

Thank you for the people around me. They've loved, guided, encouraged, and took care of me. But sometimes people change. You, however, are constant. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I cannot fully understand (and I think I never will) how someone like You, could love someone like me. Despite all my flaws, my shortcomings, my impurity, still You love me. Despite me grieving You, still You love me. Despite all my failures, still You love me.

You were always there. When I'm happy, You were there. When I'm sad, You were there. When I'm angry, You were there. You were there when I needed You. And You were there when I didn't need You (or so I thought).

How could this wretch be Your masterpiece? Surely Your work in me isn't complete! You are the author and finisher of my faith. Don't give up on me just yet!

Please be patient. God isn't finished with me yet! :)

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