Sunday, August 24, 2008

We All Have To Choose

There is a line from a poem by Robert Frost. He tells of coming to a fork in the road, a place to decide where his life is going, & he says that he is "sorry I cannot travel both roads & be one traveller".

He was sorry. I'm sorry. We're all sorry about that one.

But one person can never travel two roads. We all have to choose.

It would help if the decisions were more clear-cut, if one road guaranteed success & happiness & the other was posted "Dead End". But, almost always, at the fork, the choices look about the same, equally inviting.

Sometimes I wonder about the road not taken. Did I do the right thing? Maybe I'll never know. I seem to keep taking the road less travelled by & that has made all the difference. I think, for the better.

But to travel both roads & see where they lead... wouldn't it be nice.


Anonymous said...

it would be nice if we could go down 2 paths and not have to choose. haha.

i wish i could write like this. you've had some free time on your hands haven't you? or is this some cryptic post? hehe.

Crystal said...

hahaha... yup I had some free time which I should've spent studying. lol.

& yes, if I had one wish, I'd wish to be able to go down those two (or three or four) paths, just to see where I end up

Anonymous said...

tell me about it. if i had super powers which let me turn back time, i would be a much happier person. ahah.

you should know what i am talking about :P

so what road are you talking about? tell me. i'm itching to know. LITERALLY ITCHING! haha

Crystal said...

LOL!! Good one. Literally itching.. hahaha

It's kinda random though, hence this post. I'll tell u, but not here. hehe... One day on msn k :)