Have you ever heard of an Easter Monday? I haven't. But it's a public holiday here in Australia.
So far I've only heard of Good Friday & Easter Sunday. But here, there's Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, & Easter Monday...
O.oAnyway, the past few days have been so hectic... I've been studying for mid-terms
(2 more mid-term exams after the Easter break), & I've been going out almost everyday since Thursday. My body is getting tired but my brain thinks I can do this until this sem is over. hehe... According to Hwai Li, "that's the life of a university student mar!" Yea I guess I won't regret this...
On Friday at 12am we went over to Gab's apartment to give him a surprise birthday thingy. Needless to say, he was surprised. LOL. We sang him his birthday song, took pictures, made him blow the candles, cut the cake, & everyone was happily eating the cake, until Gab smashed a piece of cake into Chris's face. All hell broke loose. Everybody was running everywhere, slippers flew in the air with pieces of chocolate & cheese cake following close by. There was screaming, laughter, "no no stay away from me!!".... You get the picture. LOL. It was fun seeing this side of Gab. Really short shorts, specs, messy curly hair, with cake in both hands. Haha...
The hard part was getting the cake out of the carpet
(& somebody's slippers). Still, it was fun nonetheless.
The next morning, dear Kim woke me up at 9 to play
netball. I dragged myself out of bed, reached the netball court in about an hour later, then it started raining.
NNOOO... I did not just get out of bed to be stuck under the rain!! Thank God it was a passing cloud
(a big one, but still passing) so we stood under the umbrella & waited for it to stop. When the cloud passed we played & boy, did it feel good. I can't wait till our next netball session. The rest of the day was spent
CS-ing with the guys & some girls. We had shabu-shabu for dinner & tau fu fah for dessert!! We proceeded back to our own
mini cyber cafe at David's place on his balcony. I got home at 2.30am so you can imagine how crazy we were.
On Saturday, Hwai Li & I went
(grocery) shopping then we watched
Monsters vs. Aliens with Phuong at night. Go watch it
(if you haven't), it has so many funny punchlines it's bound to leave you laughing long after the joke is over.
The next day we woke up late and we
(Hwai Li actually) started cooking for our
potluck lunch at the Manors. Turns out we were the first to arrive there. Hehe... The whole afternoon
(and evening) was spent eating and laughing.
Good food and laughter, a very good combination :D
So here I am, on Easter Monday. It's my turn to vacuum and mop the apartment, and cook dinner. I should probably start studying for the 2 papers coming up after the Easter break, since I know I'll be busy for the next couple of days.
*Sigh* I have mixed feelings about my last semester here. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to miss being a student.